
Kansas City Chinese Garden

The Society for Friendship with China now has a Model of the proposed Kansas City Chinese Garden for everyone to see!

Landscape Architecture Corporation of China in Beijing drew up the plans for The Garden, produced and shipped a scale model for us to study, review and share with the public.

Members of the Press, Parks and Recreation Department, Kansas City International Trade Office, and The Society for Friendship with China Board of Directors were invited to a reception and press conference on February 5th to view The Model and hear about the plans to build The Garden.

John Phillips, Vice President of The Society, introduced Sandra Aust, President of Kansas City Parks and Recreation Board of Directors, who helped him unveil The Model. He then gave the history and presented plans for the development of The Garden before accepting questions from those present. Bob Chien, President of The Society, and other Board Members helped field the questions and offer further explanations. Guests had the opportunity to view and study The Model while enjoying the Chinese style reception sponsored by The Society for Friendship with China and Sheraton Suites.

The Model clearly shows a traditional Chinese home with intricate landscaping that incorporates all the elements of a proper traditional garden.

Click on the images for larger view.

The Model remained on display at Sheraton Suites on the Plaza until it was moved to the InterContinental for the Year of the Pig New Year Party. The Shaanxi Normal University students and teachers who were staying at the Sheraton during their visit to Kansas City carefully scrutinized the model and agreed that it met all the requirements for a traditional garden. You can refer to the next article on this webpage to judge for yourself if it truly is a traditional garden. It was unveiled by Society Board Members, Jeannette Nichols and Joan Horan and presented by John Phillips at the New Year Party for The Society members and guests. It was displayed at other locations throughout the city during the fundraising drive to secure funds to build the home and develop the garden.

Display Schedule for The Kansas City Chinese Garden Model

The Model was displayed at The Society for Friendship with China booth at the FLOWER, LAWN AND GARDEN SHOW at Bartle Hall on March 22, 23, 24, and 25, 2007. Kansas City Chinese Network Association presented a Chinese Culture Show from 11:00 to 11:30 on Saturday morning.

M & I Bank is the official sponsor of the Model of the Kansas City Chinese Garden. It was originally on display at the Nall Avenue branch, 11301 Nall Avenue, Leawood, KS 66211 after the Garden Show.

Introduction to a Traditional Chinese Garden

Not only for our generation but also for the next

Yang Xin Ge (Heart Mending Pavilion)

The Traditional Chinese Garden displays a balanced harmony of heaven and earth and mixes natural objects and manmade structures. The garden is designed to provide visitors with tranquility and peace of mind and to let the spiritual heart heal the worldly worries.

A Traditional Chinese Garden is comprised of these key elements: Home and Structures, Plants and Rocks, Culture, Arts, and Water.

Home and Structures:
A Chinese Garden starts with a home. A home is the center to show. “Going through life with its joys and sorrows, happiness and sadness, health and sickness, wealth or poverty; at the end we are all going home."

Chinese favors Certain plants.
  • Pine - Overcomes the harsh winter.
  • Cypress - Fertility (wishes for many offspring like the seeds of the tree.)
  • Plum - Endurance (A species of the plum tree blooms in the coldest winter.)
  • Peony - Symbol of riches and beauty.
They represent the truth that time and eternity are one.

Culture and Art:
The Garden design is a work of art. Others are calligraphy, poetry, painting, dance, flower arranging and viewing of the stones.

The central component of a Chinese garden, as true friendship, tasteless like water, is essential to life.

The Garden is the heart of life and of the family.

Kansas City is the heart of nation; we need to add a heart to Kansas City.

The Society for Friendship with China, Inc. signed a contract with Landscape Architecture Corporation of China for the design and model of Kansas City Chinese Garden. The model was displayed at the Chinese New Year celebration on February 18, 2007.

Details about Kansas City Chinese Garden

Kansas City will join the ranks of a dozen other major cities across the United States and Canada in its establishment of a Chinese Garden in the middle of the metropolitan area.

The board of directors of the Kansas City Society for Friendship with China in June 2006 approved a contract with Landscape Architecture Corporation of China to design the plot and to provide a model from which to work. No construction firm has been engaged at this time. Funds for the project will come from individual contributions and corporate and government grants.

The Kansas City Garden's balanced harmony of heaven and earth will provide a quiet setting for locals and visitors to find peace and tranquility. People of all ethnic backgrounds will be able to relax, enjoy and learn from each other in the mix of natural objects and man-made structures to be installed.

Garden design is a Chinese cultural artform. The design will incorporate the traditional key elements of structures, water, plants, and rocks. Water is considered to be the central component of a Chinese garden and balances all other elements. Garden rocks that are often large and porous are considered to be among the most valuable in a Chinese garden, symbolizing that time and eternity are one as dwellings of Taoist immortals. Flowers being a later addition to Chinese gardens, favored plants are pine for its ability to overcome harsh conditions, cypress for fertility, plum for endurance, and peony as a symbol of riches and beauty.

North American Chinese gardens already exist in New York City and Staten Island; Montreal; St. Louis; Portland, Oregon; Vancouver; and San Jose and San Luis Obispo in California. Planned gardens or those under construction or renovation exist in San Marino, California; Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN; Seattle, WA; and Washington, D.C.

To contribute to the Kansas City Chinese Garden Fund, to send an e-mail to Donations Committee to discuss making a donation to the Kansas City Chinese Garden Fund, have questions or need additional information.

Someone will reach out to you promptly.

The Kansas City Society for Friendship with China is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation promoting friendship and cultural exchange between the United States and China.

Your donations are tax deductible.

Copyright © The Society for Friendship with China, Inc. | All Rights Reserved | Photos by Linda Hanley | e-mail

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